Saturday, October 22, 2011

Update on Ethan and Eli!

A lot has gone on since my last post. Ethan and Eli are growing up so fast and everyday they are becoming more and more personable. Tony and I really believe that the boys have their daddy's sense of humor which we love! They talk all the time, they probably got that from me or their Auntie Am. They have the sweetest laughs and their smiles are so big it will just melt your heart. One of the best new things to watch develop is their love and interest for each other. Having twins is such a neat experience. I knew they would love each other but I never knew that I would be able to see that love this early. They talk to each other all the time, hold hands every time they are together, and just gaze at each other with eyes that let you know they are telling each other they love each other.  Their hair is growing so fast! You would be amazed at how much hair they already have. Oddly enough Ethan's hair is growing faster than Eli's. Tony and I are just enjoying every new thing we discover!

The boys have turned 5 months old!! Gosh I can't believe they are already 5 months old!! Well that means they had another wellness check-up. Ethan weighs 14 lbs and Eli weighs 13.9 lbs. Ethan is 23 inches and Eli is 22 inches. We thought that this time Eli would weigh more than his bubba because he has been our little eater, but Ethan is pretty much pure muscle! Its amazing how strong both of them are but Ethan has quads like no other baby I've seen. I've convinced myself Ethan is going to be a baseball catcher and Eli is going to be the pitcher and together they will be unstoppable! Another interesting fact Eli was taller than Ethan last Dr. Appointment and now Ethan is taller. Their doctor is very impressed with how well they are progressing developmentally. Ethan and Eli are rolling over champs, they can almost sit up on their own, they are picking up their toys, grabbing whatever is put in front of them, following us and other objects, standing with little support, and much more! I'm so proud of our sweet baby boys!

Eating solids has been another fun adventure we have experienced. It is so fun to see their facial expressions with different foods we introduce to them. Ethan has actually caught on faster than Eli. Which was a shock to us, because Eli has always been a step ahead of his bubba since birth. Ethan likes rice cereal and veggies best, while Eli likes fruits and isn't as crazy for rice cereal. I haven't tried oatmeal, but that is the next thing they are going to try! 

The boys have also had their first cold. They have just amazed me at how happy they are even when they don't feel good! The doctor said that if this cold hasn't turned into an ear infection yet than it probably wont which was great news. She said they looked like very healthy boys! Something I have been so blessed with. The one thing I have always heard since they were in my tummy is how healthy they are. I couldn't be more happy and thankful. I thank God everyday for the two blessings he has brought into my life. Thanks for reading! God Bless!

P.S Pictures to follow!